Tuesday, October 15, 2013

We have a snake!!

Sooo.. Austin wanted a reptile for his birthday this year.. He wanted a chameleon, gecko, or an iguana.. After reading a few articles, and talking to different pet stores.. I quickly learned I didn't want to be beaten up by an iguana. The option of a bearded dragon sounded pretty cool, but of course they didn't have any in the store at the time.. Mind you, they were expecting 3 within the next 2 hours, but my patience is that of my kids.. When I get it in my mind to do something.. I want to do it right then. 

One of my friends is deathly afraid of snakes, and started calling it Rover in hopes that it would sound less snake like.. And the name stuck. So Rover has taken up residence in Austin and Nic's room. Sebastian loves him.. And if we get with in three feet of Xander with him.. The neighbors are disturbed by the sound of high pitched screams, and we all pray that the snake and us make it through the onslaught of kicks and screams!

The aquarium is set up right next to Austin's bed, and at night I can hear him talking to Rover as if it was a little kid. "Good night Rover, sweet dreams, please don't die tonight!" And then when he gets home from school, "Did you miss me Rover? I'm so sorry you spent the day all alone!" It's really rather pathetic! haha Thankfully this momma likes snakes.. Cause now every boy, minus Xander, wants a snake!!

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