Wednesday, January 1, 2014

This is my year!!

2014.. This is going to be MY year!! I'm sure there are many others that have announced the same thing! But I am declaring it. 2013 was filled with too much negativity. I've learned many things over the years.. But I have learned some of the most valuable things in the past several months.. Things I should have realized long ago.

#1 People will shit on you over and over if you continue to let them.. You have to find your own two feet and stand up and say enough is enough! I had to realize that no matter what, I deserved better. And the second I found my ground.. Found my stability and ability to voice my decision that enough was enough.. It was like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders. Some people make better friends than they do anything more than that.. And some don't even deserve the friendship.

#2 Trust is something that actually can be automatically given, rather than something someone has to work for and earn. And in my case, more often than not, it didn't matter how hard they tried, the trust was just never there. It's taken me almost 16 years to realize that people don't have to work to earn your trust.. I guess you get burned once.. And that ability just gets put in a box under the bed with a lock and key. Then boom! Slowly you start realizing that all the negative actions of past relationships, (boyfriends, husbands, friends), don't have to depict and determine current and future relationships. Yes, it has taken me this long to realize that.

#3 Happiness. You have to learn to make your own. You can't rely on somebody else to be that for you. You have to be happy with yourself. You have to love yourself, if you ever expect to share the same with anybody else in this world. And once you have that, it's that much easier for the people in your life to accent your happiness.. Allowing it to grow and thrive. Until you can't imagine your life any other way.

#4 Letting go. For me, this was several things.. Letting go of certain people, letting go of certain emotions, letting go of certain situations and memories, and refusing to allow drama to influence, or be a part of, any new beginning or fresh start that you decide to take. When you can finally do that.. When you finally realize how.. It's amazing how much it changes so many aspects of your life.

So with all that being said.. This is MY year. I have my own happiness. I have happiness in my kids and relationships. I have amazing friends in my life that have stood by me through everything. I plan on spending this year living life to the fullest. My only New Years resolution.. Is to, finally, just be me and be happy. I plan on making 101 memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. I plan on a new beginning and fresh start. I started my "Count your many Blessings" jar for the year.. and was able to have my first entry the moment the clock struck midnight.

So we aren't even 24 hours in to the new year, and I am already overflowing with happiness and excitement with the promising outlook the next 364 days has for my kiddos and me! And I feel pretty certain, that when I write the first blog of 2015, I can start it out with I told you so!


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