2014.. This is going to be MY year!! I'm sure there are many others that have announced the same thing! But I am declaring it. 2013 was filled with too much negativity. I've learned many things over the years.. But I have learned some of the most valuable things in the past several months.. Things I should have realized long ago.
#1 People will shit on you over and over if you continue to let them.. You have to find your own two feet and stand up and say enough is enough! I had to realize that no matter what, I deserved better. And the second I found my ground.. Found my stability and ability to voice my decision that enough was enough.. It was like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders. Some people make better friends than they do anything more than that.. And some don't even deserve the friendship.
#2 Trust is something that actually can be automatically given, rather than something someone has to work for and earn. And in my case, more often than not, it didn't matter how hard they tried, the trust was just never there. It's taken me almost 16 years to realize that people don't have to work to earn your trust.. I guess you get burned once.. And that ability just gets put in a box under the bed with a lock and key. Then boom! Slowly you start realizing that all the negative actions of past relationships, (boyfriends, husbands, friends), don't have to depict and determine current and future relationships. Yes, it has taken me this long to realize that.
#3 Happiness. You have to learn to make your own. You can't rely on somebody else to be that for you. You have to be happy with yourself. You have to love yourself, if you ever expect to share the same with anybody else in this world. And once you have that, it's that much easier for the people in your life to accent your happiness.. Allowing it to grow and thrive. Until you can't imagine your life any other way.
#4 Letting go. For me, this was several things.. Letting go of certain people, letting go of certain emotions, letting go of certain situations and memories, and refusing to allow drama to influence, or be a part of, any new beginning or fresh start that you decide to take. When you can finally do that.. When you finally realize how.. It's amazing how much it changes so many aspects of your life.
So with all that being said.. This is MY year. I have my own happiness. I have happiness in my kids and relationships. I have amazing friends in my life that have stood by me through everything. I plan on spending this year living life to the fullest. My only New Years resolution.. Is to, finally, just be me and be happy. I plan on making 101 memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. I plan on a new beginning and fresh start. I started my "Count your many Blessings" jar for the year.. and was able to have my first entry the moment the clock struck midnight.
So we aren't even 24 hours in to the new year, and I am already overflowing with happiness and excitement with the promising outlook the next 364 days has for my kiddos and me! And I feel pretty certain, that when I write the first blog of 2015, I can start it out with I told you so!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Christmas time!!

Well.. We are down to the final week until Christmas.. Usually this time of year is the worst, as it was mom's favorite time of year. This season it hasn't been too terribly bad, mainly because I have been so busy being a single momma of five! This past week I lost a woman that was like a mother to me.. And it has been more difficult than I would have expected.. And I can't pinpoint the exact reasons as to why.
For the first time in 14 years, I will have no kiddo's home with me for my birthday or Christmas.. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that in the aspect of not having them home.. But I am excited for them all to get to see their dad's, and for me to have some much needed down time. Jazzie, Austin, and Nic will be gone for two weeks, while the babies will be home after a week. I'm sure it will feel extremely quiet and lonely.. So I am hoping to already be caught up on laundry and housecleaning, and just catch up on sleep the whole time they are gone!
In my old age, I am becoming worse than the kids.. The second I had everyones presents in my possession, I was ready to celebrate Christmas.. So I used the excuse that since they weren't going to be here for Christmas day.. And we were so busy this past week.. It was time for Santa to come for a visit!! (Against Jazzie's wishes.. she wanted to wait!) Thankfully, since my birthday is Christmas Eve, I have a special connection with Santa, and can ask him to come to our house early!! So we had Christmas last week.. When we got home, the boys all stayed in the car while Jazzie and me frantically ran through the house to gather all the hidden presents. It was a smaller Christmas than what they are used to, but eveerybody got something that they were really wanting.. Except maybe Jazzie.. I told her I would just take her shopping since she is sooo picky! :) But she did get a few things on her long list of wants.. And I bought her her first white and black diamond necklace. :) Austin got an XBOX (The third one for our household.. But I have 4 boys that all love to play), Nic got the games Minecraft (It's super cute because when Nic first said Minecraft, Xander took the "mine" as possession, and now calls it Niccraft)and Skylanders, Sebastian got Infinity (Disney version of Skylanders) and Xander got Real Steel action figures.. If you have never seen the movie RealSteel, you should watch it.. It's pretty cute.. and it plays at least 5 times a week in our house.. To the point I just bought it on Amazon, so he can just stream it rather than wearing out DVD's. Sadly, he saw the action figures before Christmas.. So when Xander was opening his presents, he would get it half way open and say, "Nope, that's not my robots. Mommy I can't find my robots!" That kid is too smart for his own good! But needless to say, he carrys those things everywhere he goes!!
I'm looking forward to the start of a new year.. Fresh starts and new beginnings.. Of course hoping to jump on the bandwagon of eating healthier and losing some weight.. I know what I need to do.. It's just a matter of sticking with it. I've gained almost 20 pounds in the last 6 months and I hate it! So time to start buckling down and getting to it! Swimsuit season will be here before I know it!. Well, there is an update in a nutshell.. Hoping I won't wait another month before the next blog!! Merry Christmas to everybody!!!
Jolly Ole Mommy
Friday, November 15, 2013
Falling Off The Blog Wagon
I had been doing soooo good!!! Time gets away from me.. Too much goes on.. And the next thing I know.. POOF!! It's been a month since my last post.. It seems like it should be so easy for somebody that likes to write.. Just sit down and spit out a few paragraphs. But 9 times out of 10.. Jazzie or Austin have my laptop to do homework.. Nic is on it to watch youtube videos about Minecraft.. Or Sebastian and Xander have snatched it up to play on pbskids website. And I'm generally just far too lazy to try and do it from my phone.. Even tho they have a handy little app for that.
So a quick update over the last month.. Jazzie tried out and made the Varsity Competitive Cheer team at her school.. They will travel for a couple weekends in February for their competitions.. She is growing up way too fast!! Austin got a little corn snake for his birthday.. I am amazed at how fast that little thing is growing!! Nic isn't up to much of anything new except basketball season started for him and Austin.. Sebastian is going to school and becoming quite the smart little man.. And Xander.. Well, Xander is still the spawn of Satan!!
I am finally back to work after a 2 month hiatus.. Apparently, I have the back of an 80 year old.. I need surgery but it is a 3-6 month recovery.. And well, frankly, Ain't nobody got time for that!! I will eventually have to break down and get the surgery, since the doc tells me I am "Clinically disabled".. But it will have to take me being down, and literally can't get back up!!! Maybe I should get me one of those little things to wear around my neck, so I can yell "I've fallen, and I can't get up!" So not funny, I know.
I am enjoying life for the most part.. Being a single mom to 5 definitely has it's days.. The other morning, when nobody was doing what they were supposed to, I accidently blurted out "I want new kids!!!" I really didn't mean it.. I mean.. Unless you can really do that kind of thing.. Kind of like a car.. Just trade them in for something newer and cleaner??? I really do love them.. most days.. ;-)
We had pictures made this week for the first time in about 10 years.. And even then it was a chaotic trip of about 40 people to Olan Mills.. This was my first time actually going to a PRO-fess-ion-AL!! We have gotten one sneak peek picture, and I absolutely adore it! I'm anxiously awaiting the reveal for the rest of them!
Ok, time to get back to work!! Laters!
So a quick update over the last month.. Jazzie tried out and made the Varsity Competitive Cheer team at her school.. They will travel for a couple weekends in February for their competitions.. She is growing up way too fast!! Austin got a little corn snake for his birthday.. I am amazed at how fast that little thing is growing!! Nic isn't up to much of anything new except basketball season started for him and Austin.. Sebastian is going to school and becoming quite the smart little man.. And Xander.. Well, Xander is still the spawn of Satan!!
I am finally back to work after a 2 month hiatus.. Apparently, I have the back of an 80 year old.. I need surgery but it is a 3-6 month recovery.. And well, frankly, Ain't nobody got time for that!! I will eventually have to break down and get the surgery, since the doc tells me I am "Clinically disabled".. But it will have to take me being down, and literally can't get back up!!! Maybe I should get me one of those little things to wear around my neck, so I can yell "I've fallen, and I can't get up!" So not funny, I know.
I am enjoying life for the most part.. Being a single mom to 5 definitely has it's days.. The other morning, when nobody was doing what they were supposed to, I accidently blurted out "I want new kids!!!" I really didn't mean it.. I mean.. Unless you can really do that kind of thing.. Kind of like a car.. Just trade them in for something newer and cleaner??? I really do love them.. most days.. ;-)
We had pictures made this week for the first time in about 10 years.. And even then it was a chaotic trip of about 40 people to Olan Mills.. This was my first time actually going to a PRO-fess-ion-AL!! We have gotten one sneak peek picture, and I absolutely adore it! I'm anxiously awaiting the reveal for the rest of them!
Ok, time to get back to work!! Laters!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
We have a snake!!
Sooo.. Austin wanted a reptile for his birthday this year.. He wanted a chameleon, gecko, or an iguana.. After reading a few articles, and talking to different pet stores.. I quickly learned I didn't want to be beaten up by an iguana. The option of a bearded dragon sounded pretty cool, but of course they didn't have any in the store at the time.. Mind you, they were expecting 3 within the next 2 hours, but my patience is that of my kids.. When I get it in my mind to do something.. I want to do it right then.
One of my friends is deathly afraid of snakes, and started calling it Rover in hopes that it would sound less snake like.. And the name stuck. So Rover has taken up residence in Austin and Nic's room. Sebastian loves him.. And if we get with in three feet of Xander with him.. The neighbors are disturbed by the sound of high pitched screams, and we all pray that the snake and us make it through the onslaught of kicks and screams!
The aquarium is set up right next to Austin's bed, and at night I can hear him talking to Rover as if it was a little kid. "Good night Rover, sweet dreams, please don't die tonight!" And then when he gets home from school, "Did you miss me Rover? I'm so sorry you spent the day all alone!" It's really rather pathetic! haha Thankfully this momma likes snakes.. Cause now every boy, minus Xander, wants a snake!!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Homecoming Fun!
So today is the big day.. The day of my daughter's very first high school homecoming.. Her first official dance with a date. I was not ready for this! But handled it much better than I thought I would.. But I also decided, I don't think I am going to handle getting her ready for her wedding! So our afternoon started at 1, when we headed off to pick up his boutonniere. She doesn't look very impressed or excited in this picture, but I learned throughout the day, that she was not enthused at me wanting to document the day with photos!
Next stop, was some Taco Bell, (Her new favorite food) before heading to get her hair done.. The beautician mentioned more than once that she has A LOT of hair.. Sometimes she would look at a strand of hair trying to figure out where to tie it in!
I was super excited that I'm still cool enough to do her make up. Even though there was a temporary moment of panic and near breakdown when she realized her favorite make upwas in her locker at school.. Right next to her homecoming dance ticket.. (I didn't get a phone call saying she was ejected at the door, so I am assuming they let her in)
I didn't want the long dangly earrings.. I didn't want the wide sparkly blingy bracelet.. I felt it made her look even that much older!!! :( Why does my baby girl have to grow up?!!?
This was my first time meeting Jazzie's date. His name is Hans, and he is a Sophomore at her school. He was super sweet and well mannered.. It was raining when we arrived at the school, (The girls all wanted to meet there to take pictures before heading out for dinner before the dance.) and he was polite enough to walk out to the car to meet her. Jazz wasn't sure how to pin his boutonniere, and at first I sat back with the other parents saying "Is this a moment a mommy is allowed to help, or I have to stay back because that wouldn't be cool?" When I walked up to take her picture, the other girls quickly stated "Let your mom do it, she knows." So I did one.. she did the second.
He bought her a very pretty corsage, and since they went through all the hassle of figuring out how to pin on his, they were trying to figure out where the pin for hers was supposed to go. Too cute!
These are all the girls and the two guys that met up to take pics before dinner. These were the few shots before the sky fell open and the wind blew the rain up under the small safe haven we had.. Mommy took one for the team and ran out to the car to grab the umbrella to help protect the girls hair. (The same umbrella that I was forced to leave in the car because Jazzie was too embarrassed to walk up to the school with me holding it over her head.)
The next thing I knew, we were "breaking in" to the school to protect the girls dresses and their hair.. It was the parents idea, and took much coercion of the kids to convince them it would be okay to come inside for a few pictures. We had to insure them that all the parents would take the fall if we got in trouble!
Sweet girl and Hans!!
Beautiful corsage.
I was amused that after several photos taken by the parents, all the girls were complaining about the pictures.. When we stopped.. We waited another 15 minutes while all the kids took a bunch of selfies, and pictures of each other!!
I came home to take peel off my soaked jeans and take a hot shower.. I thought I would sit down and relax with a drink, but quickly remembered my daughter will be out late, since she is going to the after party after the dance. She asked me one time what time would her curfew be when she got older.. I always told her 9:01. She once told me pastor didn't have a curfew, that he was a good kid, and until he proved otherwise, he didn't have a curfew. I quickly told her over my dead body.. Tonight I found someone asking me what time was she coming home.. When I responded with whatever time she calls me, they asked, "Well, what time is her curfew?" My response? She doesn't have one until she proves otherwise.. She's that good of a kid.. That I totally trust her.. But will I be the evil mother when I don't extend the same grace to my son's?!?! Hopefully they will grow and mature more over the next couple years where I can extend it to them as well. (It's okay, call me crazy, I would call any other parent crazy for saying the same thing!!)
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Football Sundays
This has to be my favorite time of year! This is the one time, that my 5 kids, and me, are on the same wavelength!! GO PACKERS!!!! Even Xander has learned to say Go Pack Go, and Bastian is quick to tell anybody that even mentions the Bears, "Bears stink!" Makes a momma proud to have 5 kids screaming at the tv right a long with me... Unfortunately, this was our bye week.. So we were stuck watching the Bears vs Detroit.
Our new tradition is to head over to "Mom and Pops", our adopted family, and all scream at the tv while Pops cooks out on the grill.. When the weather is amazing like it was today, Pops brings the tv outside, wires up the speakers, and we all get to chill in the patio watching the game. Of course, most of them are Bears fans, so watching today's game was great fun! If you caught any part of the game, you will understand that I got to do a majority of the yelling and celebrating! :)
Our adopted family extends all the way down to the kids who refer to them as "Grandma and Grandpa".. And they treat my 5 kids as any grandparents would do.. The afternoon was filled with packages of Oreo's, Chips Ahoy, Kool Aid bursts, fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, and multiple bags of chips. So after spending all day and half the evening outdoors, eating anything and everything they could get their hands on, Bastian and Xander were covered from head to toe in red kool aid mustaches, cookie crumbs, and chip remnants. So two baths down, two babies relaxing quietly on the couch before bed, and three big kids finishing up homework and chores.. This mommy is actually blogging before 11pm!!
I'm hoping for it to be an early night, since I am planning to be up before the sun in the morning to take a mini road trip to spend the best friend.. But those that know me, know I am NOT a morning person.. But it has been way too long since I have seen her, so I will sacrifice to spend the day with her since she is so close. There is no telling what kind of trouble we will get it, so somebody be sure to save me some bail money in their sock!!
Football Loving Momma
Our new tradition is to head over to "Mom and Pops", our adopted family, and all scream at the tv while Pops cooks out on the grill.. When the weather is amazing like it was today, Pops brings the tv outside, wires up the speakers, and we all get to chill in the patio watching the game. Of course, most of them are Bears fans, so watching today's game was great fun! If you caught any part of the game, you will understand that I got to do a majority of the yelling and celebrating! :)
Our adopted family extends all the way down to the kids who refer to them as "Grandma and Grandpa".. And they treat my 5 kids as any grandparents would do.. The afternoon was filled with packages of Oreo's, Chips Ahoy, Kool Aid bursts, fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, and multiple bags of chips. So after spending all day and half the evening outdoors, eating anything and everything they could get their hands on, Bastian and Xander were covered from head to toe in red kool aid mustaches, cookie crumbs, and chip remnants. So two baths down, two babies relaxing quietly on the couch before bed, and three big kids finishing up homework and chores.. This mommy is actually blogging before 11pm!!
I'm hoping for it to be an early night, since I am planning to be up before the sun in the morning to take a mini road trip to spend the best friend.. But those that know me, know I am NOT a morning person.. But it has been way too long since I have seen her, so I will sacrifice to spend the day with her since she is so close. There is no telling what kind of trouble we will get it, so somebody be sure to save me some bail money in their sock!!
Football Loving Momma
Friday, September 27, 2013
Stomach Bug Blues
It doesn't matter how much the nurse in me kicks in and forces the requirement of handwashing Q30 minutes by anyone in the house, germ-X use Q10 minutes.. It never fails.. If one gets sick, it spreads like wild fire! It started with my poor Sebastian. During my late night quiet time, I heard him whimpering.. So I go and check on him, and he looks like a squirrel saving up his winter meals in his cheeks.. It didn't take me long to realize what was really in those sweet blown up cheeks!! Thankfully we were able to make it to the bathroom, but needless to say, we were up for the night.. I have to use this moment as a quick bragging moment for my amazing 4 year old, and an even quicker dis on my not-so-amazing-when-it-comes-to-being-sick 14 year old.. Every time he knew he was going to be sick, he asked me to help him to the bathroom.. And he made it every single time.. My 14 year old.. CAN NEVER MAKE IT.. So when she gets sick.. It's a 2 am wake up call of scrubbing floors and walls!!! Luckily for all of us.. It only lasted 24-48 hours.
But based on my above clarification of who is the better sick person.. I give you one guess as to who got sick next. Yep, Ms. Messy herself.. This time, I just told her to take the trash can to her bed, because I refused to clean any floors or walls at 2 am! God love her, dry heaves quickly set in, and we were up for another night of fun. It doesn't matter how old they are, it's really pitiful when your 'babies' are sick.
The best part of my kids getting sick, is usually the fact that Mommy manages to never get it. I'm not sure how, but I have been lucky enough to miss it.. Until this time.. I honestly thought I may have had the flu.. My entire body ached! And now that everybody is over the stupid stomach bug that tried to take up residence, I want my house spotless and germ free.. Do you know how hard that is with 5 munchkins and a bad back?!
I am anxiously awaiting some, hopefully, good news next week.. So of course time is standing still.. So I'll be sure and blog and let you know if I receive it.. But until next time..
Currently Germ Free Momma
But based on my above clarification of who is the better sick person.. I give you one guess as to who got sick next. Yep, Ms. Messy herself.. This time, I just told her to take the trash can to her bed, because I refused to clean any floors or walls at 2 am! God love her, dry heaves quickly set in, and we were up for another night of fun. It doesn't matter how old they are, it's really pitiful when your 'babies' are sick.
The best part of my kids getting sick, is usually the fact that Mommy manages to never get it. I'm not sure how, but I have been lucky enough to miss it.. Until this time.. I honestly thought I may have had the flu.. My entire body ached! And now that everybody is over the stupid stomach bug that tried to take up residence, I want my house spotless and germ free.. Do you know how hard that is with 5 munchkins and a bad back?!
I am anxiously awaiting some, hopefully, good news next week.. So of course time is standing still.. So I'll be sure and blog and let you know if I receive it.. But until next time..
Currently Germ Free Momma
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