Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 1

My life has had many new Chapters.. So many that the Book of My Life is probably a couple feet thick! But I've decided that this new Chapter, deserves a new book. Starting over completely at Chapter 1.

I recently found myself being the single mommy of 5, without any kind of support system.. None of my family lives here, and my few "friends" are busy with their often crazy hectic lives. I found myself stressed and scrambling to work out my work schedule. How was I going to work full time, and get kids to cheer practice, track practice, basketball, softball, play dates at the park, drum lessons, homecoming dress shopping, band concerts, choir concerts, and any other kind of activity they decide they want to do.. Cause that's my job as a parent right? To give them the most opportunities as possible in this life? That's how I see it anyway. So I guess you can say I make my very own pandemonium. How can life with 5 kids be anything but chaos?!

I'm grateful my body has learned to go on very little sleep.. Because it's 11:45 at night, and any normal person would be in bed.. But all the kids are asleep.. So that means I can enjoy my peace and quiet, and actually watch my very own adult tv programing!! It's the little things that count in my crazy world! In just over 6 hours, I will be chasing around 5 little bodies urging them to brush their teeth, make their beds, pack their lunches, and get dressed! Then run Jazzie to the bus stop, only to come back and finish half yelling at the 4 boys to get their booties in gear cause it's time to go! Then load them all up, drop 3 of them off at school.. And bring Xander home for a day of relaxation!! haha! But waiting for me is dishes, dusting, vacuuming, laundry, and chasing Xander from one end of the house to the other, picking up after him as he acts like a tornado in the middle of Kansas!

I'm working on week 3 of doing all this on my own, managing and keeping up with the schedule of 6 of us! Don't think it's easy, and definitely don't think I have it all together.. Jazzie missed two Dr's appointments for lab work.. Austin and Jazzie both missed orthodontic appointments.. And can I remember to call and reschedule these things.. Of course.. I usually remember about.. Right now.. When the offices are closed.. But one day I will get it together.. About the time they have all grown up and moved out of the house.. Or when they admit me to the crazy house.. Which is quite possibly right around the corner!

Crazy Momma of Five

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