Friday, September 13, 2013

Cool Autumn Nights

So I'm raising a high school student now.. I'm not exactly sure how that's possible, as I am only turning 29 this December! (It's Mississippi math.. I'll teach it to you if you just ask) But this said high school student, is also a JV cheer leader.. And Miss Popularity, of course wants to attend the Varsity games! So I, being the ever so gracious and loving mother that I am, (Yes, I dubbed myself with that title) decided that I would load up ALL five of my munchkins and take them to their first Varsity football game..

Jazzie was off doing her own thing with the cool kids of course.. Austin wasn't too cool to sit with his mom, but he sat a bleacher or two in front of me with the cool kids of his age.. Nic was walking the track around the field with one of his buddies.. Sebastian left me to go hang with his teacher.. So it was just Xander and me.. Easy peasy right?! NO!! He didn't want to sit where I was sitting.. And frankly I don't think it mattered where I sat, he just wanted to check out how every single bleacher felt to his little diapered booty! Not to mention it was a little chilly.. I even tried swaddling him up in one of the mountain of blankets I brought.. But he wasn't having any of that! He then began crawling into random strangers laps and snuggling with them.. Thankfully they were only random strangers to him, and his mother actually knew them.. Even if only having met them a handful of times. At one point I offered to sell him for a $1.. But the best offer I got was a lint covered quarter.. ;)

I wanted to yell and scream at the game like all the crazy mom's do.. (Okay, so I'm THAT mom that gets into the kids games as if it were my Packers on the field!) But Xander had other things in mind... Like making sure I gave myself whiplash as he bounced all over the place! Then Nic decided to be my saving grace.. He took Xander to go "Run" around the track.. And only as they walked away did it dawn on me, that sending a hyper active non compliant 3 year old, off with a severe ADHD 10 year old, may not have been the best of ideas!! No worries.. I came home with all 5 of my kiddos. :) I did get to enjoy the last half of the 4th quarter.. Right up until we lost the game with 9.9 seconds left on the board. :(

So we have been home a whopping whole 15 minutes.. And everybody went to bed on their own accord.. And are now sound asleep.. Which means this should be my break from the insanity, and I should be enjoying the silence.. But I think this momma is going to head to bed!! Until next time...

Football Mom


  1. Sounds like a fun, action filled night! Glad they all went to bed on their own :-)
