Thursday, September 19, 2013

Teenage Years

Well, it's happened.. Jazzie is now in high school, and just got asked to the homecoming dance.. She is a Freshman.. When he asked her, he gave her a vase of flowers.. which he picked out and designed himself.. O.o What?!?! What Freshman does that?? Oh wait, he's a Sophomore.. That explains EVERYTHING. Great.. My daughter is going to a homecoming dance with a Sophomore.. He was nice enough to thank her for saying yes.. So that should count for something in regards to his manners right? So to top my night off even more, she announces she's been invited to the Sophomore after party. What?!!? Oh that's right, my daughter is the cool kid.. So of course she would be invited to the upper graders after party. Do I let her go? I'm thinking it's a big fat NO. I don't care that she goes to a Christian school! We may be best friends, but I'm mommy first.. So I guess I have to do some serious thinking in the next 10 days. I wonder what she would say if I volunteered to chaperone?? I'm thinking her answer would be a big fat NO as well. Again, we are best friends, but I'm still "The Mom".. Even if all the kids friends say I am the "Coolest mom ever"..

And as if this is not enough, I realized in about a month I will be raising TWO TEENAGERS??? Again with the SAY WHAT?!?! How is that possible? Not to mention the raging hormones that are sure to fill this household full force? Sure, boy and girl hormones are different.. But I am still fearful.. I'm just not sure if I am more fearful for me.. Or for them! I don't remember my teenage years being this way.. But of course, that was eons ago!!!

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