Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dress shopping

So since homecoming is right around the corner.. And she HAS to let her date know what color her dress is so that he can coordinate, I decided to take sissy out first thing this morning.. We stopped at a consignment shop with no luck.. So off to the mall we went.. We went in Every. Single. Store. that might possibly have homecoming dresses.. And we tried on Every. Single. Dress. that her highness though might be the one. I wanted her to wear a potato sack and be done with it. She is way too beautiful to be wearing fancy pretty dresses.. And frankly, this momma doesn't want to admit that her baby girl is growing up. So this is THE dress... THE dress that costs twice as much as mommy wanted to pay.. For homecoming.. For Freshman homecoming. THE dress that my baby girl had her heart set on after trying on 30 other dresses.. And it's her first formal dance with a 'date'.. So guess who gave in and let her have the dress she wanted so badly? Yep, this big ole push over of a mommy. (She really is a good girl, with amazing grades, and frankly, she is the one that takes care of ME, so I couldn't say no.)
This is the dress I wanted her to have.. This picture doesn't show the color very well.. It's a bright punky neon orange.. It looked amazing against her skin tone.. AND it was half the price as THE dress.. And while she liked this one a lot.. She didn't LOVE it as she did THE dress. 
Another super cute one.. But again, it didn't compare to THE dark purple dress. 
I'm not sure what's up with this face.. I think it's the face I should have been making.. Friends thought she looked like Jasmin from Aladdin in this one.. She loved this one.. Until she tried on THE dress.. The back of this dress was really cute.
The first dress she tried on. It was her second favorite of the first five dresses she tried on..
Did you notice a trend in the dresses? They were all high-low dresses.. She told me she thought she wanted a high-low dress.. But made sure I understood that she wanted to have plenty of time to shop.. Because she wanted to try on ALL DIFFERENT kinds and styles of dresses.. I don't think she tried on one single dress that wasn't a high-low dress. Obviously, when the girl knows what she wants, she knows what she wants. :) Overall, it wasn't THAT bad of a day.. We were able to find THE dress in under 4 hours. I'm super proud of this pretty beautiful young lady that is growing up right before my very eyes. I wish I would have had it together when I was her age, like she does. Great grades, Beautiful looks, Amazing personality, and more mature than her short 14 years she has had to grow up. No wonder all the upper graders like her to hang out with her.. Who wouldn't?!

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